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Kevin Redmon's Future of Cobb Newsletter
The Cobb Connector - January 24, 2025

Welcome to 2025! If you think this will be a quiet year, think again. Cobb County is coming out of the gate with a very consequential Special Election for 400,000 people in Districts 2 and 4. I’ll get into this in this week’s The Big Story.
I hope everyone here has stayed safe and warm during the back-to-back winter storms. My family and neighborhood enjoyed Cobb’s first real snow day in eight years a couple of weeks ago - and I am glad we were relatively unaffected by this week’s ice event. For the unhoused, though, this remains an impossibly tough time to manage through. MUST Ministries in Cobb currently has their Hope House open to anyone in need - please share this information with anyone who could use the assistance.
I’m looking forward to another year of community engagement with you. Don't hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns about what's happening in your community. I am happy to discuss it directly with you or include it in the newsletter as a topic.

What’s Happening in the District
Astronomy Night!
Explore the Wonders of the Universe at Cobb County Astronomy Night!
Join Cobb PARKS on Friday, January 31, for Cobb County Astronomy Night at the Allatoona Creek Park in Acworth. This family-friendly event offers a chance to explore the night sky.
Cobb PARKS says, “enjoy the serene beauty and sounds of nature under the stars spotting constellations on astronomy night. It is recommended that participants download the Star Walk Night Sky Map app on their mobile device.”
Whether you're a seasoned stargazer or just curious about the universe, this event is perfect for all ages.
Registration is free and requested - see link below.
Date: Friday, January 31
Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Location: Allatoona Creek Park, 5690 Old Stilesboro Road, Acworth
Events details: Cobb Parks Event Registration Website
Community Spotlight
Spotlight on Cobb Collaborative: Building a Thriving Community
Cobb Collaborative is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals and families in Cobb County. It addresses critical issues such as mental health, early childhood education, and homelessness by fostering partnerships among nonprofits, businesses, and community leaders. The organization's vision is to create a connected, informed, and thriving community where everyone can access the necessary resources to succeed.
Cobb Collaborative brings immense value to our community. Through programs like Mind Your Mind Mental Health Initiative, they break down mental health stigma and provide vital resources for emotional well-being. Their focus on Literacy and Learning ensures that children in Cobb County have access to books and educational support, laying the foundation for future success. Cobb Collaborative’s homelessness awareness and prevention work also helps connect vulnerable individuals with housing solutions, food assistance, and other critical services.
Looking to make a difference? Cobb Collaborative offers numerous volunteer opportunities to get involved. From helping with community outreach events to organizing book drives for children, there’s something for everyone who wants to contribute. Volunteers are also welcome to assist with special projects, such as mental health awareness campaigns and resource distribution. To learn more about how you can help, visit their website at cobbcollaborative.org and discover how to join their mission to strengthen our community.
Learn more: CobbCollaborative.org

The Big Story
Another election already? Yes. And this one is local and consequential. We’ve featured this story several times here, but the District 2 and District 4 County Commissioners election is finally here.
You may remember that multiple lawsuits have been filed regarding the Board of Commissioners maps drawn under the Gold Dome in 2021. The result of an exhaustive legal process is a new map that Cobb must operate under—and under which elections must be held for Districts 2 and 4 representatives. Because these elections were supposed to happen last year, the Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration is holding a Special Election.
This election will determine who represents the 400,000 people in both districts, how our tax dollars are invested, and the strategy for Cobb's future. This will impact our roads, courts, Public Safety, parks, senior services, and transit services, as well as how we create sustainable changes to ensure the long-term progress of our communities.
As with every election, there will be a primary election to nominate the participating political party nominee, a primary runoff if necessary, and a general election. Here’s all you need to know:
Can I vote:
To determine if you live in the new District 2 or 4, there are a few places to check:
Georgia Secretary of State My Voter Page
- Enter your information, submit, then scroll down to “My Districts & Elected Officials”
Cobb GIS
- Enter your address, or simply zoom into your residence
Cobb County’s “Find Your Commissioner”
- Enter your address
When to vote:
Advance Voting: February 1 -7
Election Day: February 11
Primary Runoff
Advance Voting: TBA
Election Day: March 11
Advance Voting: TBA
Election Day: April 29
Where to vote:
For Advance voting, see the graphic below for locations or visit the Cobb Election website.
For Election Day voting, go to your assigned voting location assigned to you in the Georgia Secretary of State My Voter Page
More details here: CobbCounty.org/elections
BOC Meeting Recap
The Cobb County Board of Commissioners held its regular meeting on January 14 at 9:00 a.m. The session began with a public hearing on engineering design services for the King Springs Road Sidewalk Project, signaling the Board's continued investment in pedestrian safety and accessibility.
The consent agenda covered a wide range of initiatives and approvals. Highlights included authorizing the Tax Commissioner to accept various payment methods and oversee judicial tax foreclosures. Several water system and stormwater management contracts were approved, including the Mud Creek Streambank Stabilization project. The Board also supported grants for local workforce development, transportation security enhancements, and safety equipment for public services. PARKS improvements were advanced with contracts for equestrian trail maintenance and pavilion construction under SPLOST programs.
During the regular agenda, the Board approved infrastructure projects like drainage repairs on Riverside Parkway and engineering reviews for a major realignment project on Cobb Parkway. PARKS enhancements continued with a new pavilion planned for Hyde Farm. The meeting concluded with reappointments to the Airport Advisory Board, Keep Cobb Beautiful, and the Property Advisory Commission, reaffirming the county's dedication to leadership continuity and community development.

Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting on Tuesday, January 14th
For more information on Board of Commissioner meeting schedules and agendas, please visit this URL: https://www.kevinforcobb.com/cobb/
Important Dates
January 28th: Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting
February 1 - 7: Advance Voting for the Primary Election for Board of Commissioners Districts 2 & 4
February 11: Election Day for the Primary Election for Board of Commissioners Districts 2 & 4
Stay in touch by visiting KevinForCobb.com and joining our socials at @KevinForCobb.

5,000 of us at the start line of the Polar Opposite Peachtree Road Race 10K on January 6th.