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The Kevin For Cobb Connector
This Week in Cobb County: 02/29/24

As February wraps up, we are reminded of a few things: Georgia has a Fake Spring and a Second Winter, the scramble of summer camp planning begins, and 2024’s election season will not be boring.
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support as we navigate through this unprecedented and often confusing Primary season. Our community's critical priorities remain the focus, and I hope this newsletter sheds some light on them.
Campaign News
Qualification Week is next week! “What is qualification week, and why is this important?” you might be asking.
The qualification week in Georgia is when individuals running for public office must officially declare their candidacy, submit required paperwork, and pay fees. Eligibility requirements, fees, and documents vary based on the office. Once approved, candidates' names are placed on the ballot.
Just a quick reminder that we are still awaiting the Georgia Supreme Court's decision on the Board of Commissioner (BOC) map. I have been in touch with Cobb County Elections, and they have informed me that regardless of the Court's ruling, only one map will be used for the BOC qualification next week.
As of now, we still don't know which map will be selected for next week's qualification. Once we receive clarity on this matter, I will communicate the details and move forward accordingly.
“While the recent court decision has created some uncertainty about our district lines, I remain committed to representing my community as a commissioner and working with you to create positive change for our future.”
What’s Happening in the District
There are some important elections taking place in and around our district, including the crucial Cobb School Board race. I am delighted to announce that I will co-host a Meet & Greet event for Laura Judge, the Post 5 candidate. The event will be held at the home of our dear friends, The Courts.
The Oscar-themed event will be on March 10th from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Join us and meet many local community leaders who are all working hard to make a positive impact.
Details and registration here: http://tinyurl.com/laurajudge24
What’s Happening in the County
It’s that time of the year to start planning your garden, and the East Cobb Library is hosting a Spring Seed Swap. Stop by through March 30th to donate your seeds to the swap and pick out seeds donated by other local gardeners.
During my tenure as East Cobb Liason on Commissioner Richardson’s Community Cabinet, I created several videos with community members about gardening. Click on the link below and look for the East Cobb Community Series for tips on how to get your garden started.
The Big Story
March’s East Cobb Civic Association meeting will have guest speaker Judy Jones, Director of the Cobb County Water System. She will be speaking on current priorities for 2024, including taking a more proactive approach to repairing our aging stormwater infrastructure.
One topic that is creating a lot of attention and, unfortunately, misinformation is the restructuring of Cobb’s water billing system to create dedicated funds for these repairs. This restructuring will give the department greater visibility on the budget and create a system that can adjust based on your impact from impervious surfaces. Think of the difference your driveway makes compared to a strip mall’s parking lot.
Details on this proposal can be found in the link below. Let us know your thoughts on this plan and if you have any questions!
Meetings Recap
During this week's Board of Commissioners meeting, there were a total of 10 presentations in the beginning, which is an unusually high number. However, all of them were meaningful. Among them, Economic Development awarded grant funds to four local businesses, a local JROTC cadet was recognized for being the only Georgian accepted into the Naval Flight Academy, a school bus driver was awarded for saving a child's life, Cobb NAACP's Deane Bonner was celebrated as MDJ’s Citizen of the Year, and an 11-year-old boy who recently lost his life was honored with a scholarship in his name.
Agenda Item 25 was the most discussed topic at the meeting. The agenda item was to approve a contract with WestRock to operate Cobb's Recycling Center since the incumbent, Waste Management (WM), could not come to agreeable terms at the end of their three-year contract. A WM representative was present at the meeting and spoke during Public Comment, expressing his frustration with the process. The discussion mainly focused on the lack of an RFP for WestRock's contract, who was already performing the work as WM's subcontractor. Cobb's County Manager pointed to the policy allowing this standard practice, and an RFP will be coming out for the next cycle. The vote passed 3-1, with Commissioner Burrell abstaining, as she is a former WM employee.
The most significant item on the agenda, item 40, was to approve approximately $25M for renovations at the Public Safety Building for the Sheriff's Office. This would be funded using SPLOST dollars from 2016 and 2022. However, there was no discussion from Commissioners Burrell and Gambrill, who voted against it. The item passed 3-2.
For more information on Board of Commissioner meeting schedules and agendas, please visit: https://www.kevinforcobb.com/cobb/
Important Dates
The Presidential Preference Primary advanced voting is underway!
- Now through March 8th.
- Details @ https://www.cobbcounty.org/elections/voting/advance-voting
March 12th: Election Day
March 12th: Board of Elections & Registration Meeting
March 12th: Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting
March 18th: Board of Elections & Registration Meeting
March 26th: Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting
To learn more about our campaign, how to get involved, and contact us - visit KevinForCobb.com and join our socials at @KevinForCobb.